[Autumn Reading] Why I have to force myself to read the books I already own


My summer reading was technically a bust—but only IF we grade me by how many of the 12 planned books actually got read.

So let’s not grade me by that, eh?

The Interestings || Meg Wolitzer
Froi of the Exiles || Melina Marchetta
Garlic and Sapphires: The Secret Life of a Food Critic || Ruth Reichl
The Girl You Left Behind ||Jojo Moyes

Look at that, I read 4 out of 12! (Woop de doo.)

But I’m also still reading Torn; I read about a 1/3 of Sweet Life in Paris before deciding not to renew it when it came due; and I tried listening to House of Hades on audio book before giving up and signing up for a nice, long wait list for the ebook with my library.

And in the “alotted” two months, I powered through some six other books that never made it on the original list.

So was it really a bust? I’m declaring no. I had various reasons for not starting the remaining five: the price of Pastrix, the moxie required to attempt Women Who Run with Wolves, and not wanting to start the huge Ender’s Game series yet all came into play.

The only book on that list I have absolutely no excuse for not reading? I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

That book has been sitting my stack for months now, just staring at me.

(I’ll get to it eventually, I swear!)

The actual Fall Reading “plan”

I don’t exactly have a Fall Reading plan. You could argue that I do, maybe, but it’s a bit… looser.

I’m going to read the books I already own.

(Um, Jenna, isn’t the kind of obvious?) (Shush.)

Here’s the thing, the absolutely ridiculous thing, the thing that I really hope is not just my ridiculous thing: sometimes I buy books I have no intention of reading right away.

This is somewhat normal, if still crazy, right? It happens most in used book stores, when there’s no guarantee I’ll see that book for cheap again! (Never mind that I very rarely will have a crisis where I need that particular book right now  and can’t wait for Amazon Prime.)

In addition to the sweet guarantee that I’ll have said random book when said unlikely crisis occurs, I also just like buying, having, and decorating with books. (How else would I have enough to make a rainbow with the spines? Seriously.)

(We’ll deal with the budgeting problem inherent in this some other time.)

Some of these books-I-own-but-have-not-read are non-fiction, which just take me a bit more motivation to pick up. But mostly, it’s the very simple reason that I always have my Kindle on me—and I don’t always want to carry physical books. So I end up reading one or two of the books-I-own-but-have-not-read in fits and spurts for months, while tearing through library kindle books because easier.

The result of this madness is that I have quite a few books that I theoretically want to read, but never get to.

So that’s my fall reading plan: to read them.

Below is the madness that is the books I haven’t read from my shelves at home. This isn’t everything, but it’s a good amount of it.

I have no intention to try to read everything here, but it’s the pool I’ll be picking from as much as possible  this fall.

That is, in between my Kindle books, of course. ;)



This post is linked up with Everyday Reading’s Third Quarter Reading link up, despite the fact that is has more to do with future reading than July-August. Woops.



9 thoughts on “[Autumn Reading] Why I have to force myself to read the books I already own

  1. I also frequently fall victim to the must have now feeling of bookstores, etc,. with the result being a huge pile of unread books that I’m not entirely sure I want to read. I’ve been slowly picking away at them for a few years now, but the problem with that is that I also keep adding to the pile…


    • I know what you mean with the feeling of not being entirely sure you even want to read them all. I recently put up a handful of them on paperbackswap, figuring if one gets requested, I’ll just have to make a quick decision on if I want to read it before mailing it!


  2. I really need to start reading some of the books I actually own also. I keep getting sucked into trying to finish library books first and then getting more library books.

    Thanks for joining the link up!


  3. I just made this same resolution with myself! I looked at my crammed bookshelf the other day and my boyfriend goes “so what percentage of those have you read?” my answer “Oh like probably most of them.” LIE haha. I’m banning myself from the bookstore until I read some of them.


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