
Topic: Beyond
Alotted time: Five minutes



Beyond college doesn’t scare me right now. I decided awhile back that it wouldn’t anymore. Why? Not because I don’t need to figure it all out at some point, and not because I won’t ever worry about it. But because I have time. When the new year rolled around this past year, I didn’t exactly make traditional resolutions. But one thing I said was that when I turned 22, I needed to have the beginnings, maybe even middles, of an idea of what May would bring. That means, in early December, I need to have started pondering, considering, even applying.

But not now. Now I get to take care of, well, now. There’s so much coming up, so much to enjoy and savor and focus on.

And the beyond becomes less scary for that, because with it comes perspective. It will come. It will happen. And when it does, there will be new things to savor, and enjoy, and focus on.

Beyond will come when it needs to.



Confession: I took two takes on this. And I still feel silly posting such incomplete thoughts. But there will be plenty of time to talk about May. It will come when it needs to.

One thought on “Beyond.

  1. I like the 5 minute idea. And I like the word “Beyond.” And I like the topic as well. Good thoughts. I agree – don’t borrow trouble just yet. I do enough of that for the both of us ;)


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